Supporting Local Businesses - Texture
We are delighted to be featured in The RTE Guide - #Texture #rte #rteguide #FabricDublin #fabricshop #AnnFlavin

A Surprise Mention in The Gloss Magazine
"Source fabric with the help of Ann Flavin at Texture" - The Gloss Magazine #JoanCollins #TheGlossMagazine #TextureFabricMonkstown...

It's Debs Season!
Whether we are making your debs dress here at Texture or you're branching out and making your own, with over twenty years of design expe

We have a new Instagram Account!
We have a new Instagram Account! Here we post updates on life in the shop; new arrivals and new creations, as well as our favourite looks...

As featured in Evoke.ie
Texture celebrated two year in business in February with a special offer for Brides to Be. Don't worry if you missed it there are still...